Founded in 1981, Friends of Morningside park is a volunteer led organization with the mission to be a catalyst in the rehabilitation and maintenance of Morningside Park, a Scenic Landmark of New York City and one of the four designated Harlem Historic Parks. This purpose aligns with the ideals of Morningside Park's original designers Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux.
We work with the New York City Department of Parks to promote responsible use of the park. In 2000 we commissioned a Master Plan for Morningside Park which was based on extensive community input. We continue to work to raise private funds and advocate for public funds to implement capital improvements called for in the plan. Our Upper Park Initiative seeks to clear sight lines, and bring capital improvements and programming to the upper level of our 30 acre park.
We promote the enjoyment and responsible use of the park through an extensive set of programs which over the years have included arts and cultural festivals, a farmers market, film screenings, public art displays, musical and theatrical performances, sports tournaments, community picnics, park cleanups and plantings, tree lightings and holiday events.
In 1981 Tom Kiel a Columbia University undergraduate saw the deteriorating condition of our historic park. He began organizing meetings and park cleanups. At the time, the Parks Dept. was getting ready to implement large scale changes to the park which would have obliterated much of the remaining Olmsted design. Along with several other Columbia students, Tom formed the Friends of Morningside Park with an aim to halt these changes and fight for park restoration in keeping with Olmsted's design principles. Incorporated in 1982, the core mission of the Friends of Morningside Park has not changed to this day.
Although the world lost Tom Kiel in 1996, his work continues and we are proud and very fortunate to have members of his family, and volunteers from our early years still working with us.
We maintain an archive of photos and articles about Tom and the early work of our organization. Please contact us for access to the archives.
Satrina Boyce — Co-Chair, Governance and Nominating Committee
Clyde Brogdon — Secretary; Co-Chair, Parks Liaison Committee
Jennifer Scott Caragiulo — Chair, Development Committee
Caroline Geiger — Co-Chair, Governance and Nominating Committee
Jannie Green — Governance and Nominating Committee
Brigham Keehner — Co-Chair, Parks Liaison Committee
Annie Loo — Events Committee
Travis Owen — Parks Liaison Committee
Rick Miller — Events Committee
Fred Scott — Treasurer; Chair, Finance Committee
Dan Seltzer — Governance and Nominating Committee